Monday, July 25, 2005

Mobile Wisdom #43:

How to conceal poverty while talking on your cellular phone

When you´re low on mobile phone minutes, always maintain a certain level of hostility and aversion to the person on the other end. This way, if your call is interrupted they might think you just hung up! (Also applies to pay phones)

Sabiduria Móvil #43:

Como disimular pobreza hablando por el telefono movil

Cuando le quedan pocos minutos para hablar, mantenga siempre un cierto nivel de hostilidad y aversion contra la otra persona. Asi, si su llamada es interrumpida, el o ella podra creer que fue Usted que colgo!

(Tambien aplicable a llamadas de telefono publico)


Svunnig said...

Another tip is to scam your friends into believing that you are on the run from the mob or that you're suffering from a terminal disease.
Then pretty much everything is excused, including such classics as:
Borrowing shampoo bottles and never returning them or eating more than half of their pizza even though they paid for it and you said that you where full.

Unknown said...

Svunnig, that´s great! Once some friends wanted to get pizza, I said I wasn´t interested, so I left them. About half an hour later I went to the pizza place and my friends offered me the pieces they couldn´t eat. So, I ate pizza for free!
This is my contribution to reduce world hunger.

Patty - perhaps you could divert some of your driving aggression to your phone conversations! No, just kidding, you´re not always aggressive in traffic.