Thursday, July 28, 2005

Happiness in a tube

My work buddy Juampi just returned from a month´s vacation in Sweden. He was euforical about the water, the air, the trains, buses and ferries. Imagine how lucky he was to manage to be there on the sunniest and hottest weeks of the entire summer. And he didn´t forget to bring me my special request, kaviar. The tube was the center of interest at the lunch table, where I invited my colleagues to taste it. Suddenly, we all got along fabulously, smiling like never before. They glanced at me with great comradery,
... or were they looking at the tube?


Svunnig said...

Haha, that's wonderful.
How about i send you some "Surströmming"?

Unknown said...

I don´t think the consequences of me introducing "surströmming" to the Chilean public can be fully predicted. I think it´s best not to "share" it with them.