Sunday, August 21, 2005

The best ventilated car in Santiago

Imagine this guy´s luck! The side impact must´ve been really violent, even the roof is deformed.

People drive really bad here, I´m sad to say.
Once I was walking on a zebra crossing and a lady slowed down to let me pass. The guy behind her was so unprepared for this law abiding gesture that he had to screech to a halt. Then as he passed he insinuated it was My fault that an accident had almost occured!

It´s not uncommon to see people driving around in more or less wrecked cars.
But this is just ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

Judging by the expression on that guy's face, I'd say he just tore the door off in a fit of rage.

Anonymous said...

Did you take this picture? The guy in the car looks like he wants to beat you up.

Maybe its time to consider learning the other skills in the paparazzi trade, like avoiding detection!

Keep the pics coming!

Unknown said...

I´ve learned that if you want to take cool pictures you mustn´t be afraid to use your camera!
But thanks for the hint, I´ll be careful!