Monday, March 12, 2007

Piano Music

I´ve always enjoyed playing piano and composing my own little tunes. When I was younger I used to play quite a lot, since we had a piano at home. At school, I managed to get a key so I could sneak in and play on the Steinway vertical piano in the auditorium. It was really nice to flee from the loud hallways now and then.

One day I asked Martin to help me record a cassette with my songs. I then sold it (!) to my friends at school.

Since then, 10 years have passed, and a lot of things have changed. But not these songs, thanks to Martin and this cassette:
  1. En stillsam stund (2:58)
  2. Tangenter av ljus (4:18)
  3. Segling (1:40)
  4. I skogen
  5. Hösten (3:35)
  6. Svallvågor (4:44)
This time, they are free of charge ;)


Martin Gumucio said...

woo these recordings are great. Or rather the songs are great, the recordings are pretty crap. Lets bring this cassette to the studio see if we can't touch it up a bit :)

You really should have a piano nearby always little bro.

Anonymous said...

Great songs Gabriel! :)