Wednesday, November 01, 2006

First snow

This morning when I opened the curtains, Uppsala was white. Expected by all, but nobody is usually prepared. When the first snow hits with such strength as today the consequences can be severe. Cars sliding off the road, pedestrians slipping on the sidewalk and dogs ... well, dogs really don´t care much. I had an errand to the city and brought the camera to see if any good motifs turned up. Like people in distress, traffic headaches, snowy stuff, you know.

Winter comes with icy, vitalizing winds.

This is how people in other countries imagine Sweden all year around.

Car headache in Carolinabacken. Then buses also tried to go up, failing miserably. Finally the street was closed.


Anonymous said...

Hej Gabriel! Brr - vad kallt det ser ut! Roligt det du skrev om att folk fran andra lander forestaller sig att Sverige alltid ser helt snotackt ut! Det ar verkligen sant att de tror det! Aven har nere sa kommenterar alla att det maste vara svinkallt uppe i Skandinavien...Inte kul nar man fastnar med bilen i snoyran dock:( Men roliga bilder i alla fall! An sa lange sa haller vi oss pa anstandiga grader har nere, med cirka 16 grader pa dagen och saklart mycket mindre pa kvallen. Roligt att du lagger ut sa manga bilder - de ar superskoj att titta pa! Ha det bast! Manga kramar!

Johanna Meijer said...

Wow! That was...snowy. Very beautiful pictures! Here in Copenhagen it's just autumn still and I hope it will continue that way because this city can't handle snow at all.