Monday, February 13, 2006

New header

After 215 days with the old header, I think it´s time for a change.
This one reflects a bit more accurately my situation. It´s not so much volcanoes and amazing scenery, it hasn´t been for quite a while. Hopefully, those times will return soon. This new headers also features a rich portrayal of the facial hair I´m sporting these days. So, it appeals to all I would think.


Johanna Meijer said...

I like your new header! Great close up:)

Anonymous said...

I love it! 10/10 for urban street style, minimalism and that secretive smile.

btw, are you going to change the subtitle of your blog? how about "at the foot of the Upplandsåsen"

Svunnig said...

Having some troubles actually seeing the new header. Is The linking allright?

Unknown said...

The header is now back in action!

Svunnig said...

Nice header. Come down with some scurvy and youre a real pirate for shure.