Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nyårskonserter Tvåtusenälva

Foto: Hans Nilsson
Årets nyårskonsert med UAK repeteras för fullt!
På programmet står musik av Jean-Philippe Rameau och Henry Purcell. Som solister har vi bl a Divine, en trio som startat eget inom operabranschen och nu turnerar runt på olika scener.
Kören kommer även att framföra en koreografi som symboliserar solen och dess strålar. Det finns alltså all anledning att gå på detta, på nyårets första två dagar!
Biljetterna är uppdelade i tre kategorier (och placeringar): 275 kr, 200 kr, 100 kr. Om man går på den andra konserten så finns det mer plats och då kommer koreografin att sitta som bäst. Förköp ordnas enkelt. Välkomna!

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Early Music Website

Just from the oven, with a rich and golden aroma.
Today we're publishing the new website for Englunds Tidig Musik (Englund's Early Music). On it you can read about upcoming concerts and music courses that they offer. I've been to their summer courses in Provence quite a few times, as you probably have read on this blog.
Apart from the new and refreshing design, the new website is very fast and light-weight. The editing is handled through CushyCMS and is incredibly easy. Differently from Joomla, for instance, this system doesn't obstruct you from designing the website as you want it, but only gives you tools to edit your code at the places you select. And it works!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, November 04, 2010


  The sunlight is retreating from these latitudes, setting the stage for the season of ice and snow. Unsuspectingly, the mallards of the swan pond waggle and splash around. The seasonal change is gradual and today is, at least to their memory, no different from other days.
In their midst is the pond's only permanent resident, Alexander. He is, though dressed in white, a sombre swan and the regent of this miniature kingdom. Compensating for all the dignity lacking in his sloppy subjects, he steers through the water in a singular majesty.
Singular, for his last "Queen", Fanny, past away in pneumonia three years ago. Since then, a new marriage has not been arranged, since wing clipping swans has become unethical. It seems he will be the last of his kind in the pond.
And although he is always surrounded by his feathered companions, he might have asked himself - will I be remembered, or will I vanish from memory like seasons past?

Monday, November 01, 2010

Sacred Pearls

Stefan Parkman directing Uppsala Kammarorkester
You know those compilation CDs, where popular classical music has been ripped from its context and mixed together in a way no composer would have liked?
Well, that's what Sunday's concert is all about.
The program consists of excerpts from the following works: "Förklädd Gud" (God in Disguise) by Lars-Erik Larsson (thanks Magnus!), "Magnificat in D" and "St. John's Passion" by J S Bach, "Mass in c minor" and 
"Requiem" by Mozart, and the finale is Händel's famous Hallelujah chorus where the audience will be invited to sing along - in the respective voices, of course. The audience will even be allowed to rehearse in separate rooms (bass, tenor, alto and soprano) in the break. The orchestra, Uppsala Kammarorkester, is truly well-sounding and to make music with them is a privilege. Don't miss this opportunity! Details on the side --->