Friday, September 25, 2009

September ending

Autumn has arrived a little later than usual. By the end of September, the days are still sunny and enjoyable. Compare with a similar post from a year ago. The tree to the right of the bridge is taking on a more reddish coloration this year. It will be exciting to see how things develop in the next weeks. Stay tuned...

The house cat, likes to cuddle and look for rodents by the trash.
Tried to kill my lens cap when it fell down the steps.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Musical kicks off

Some of the musical cast

Since about a week, I´m involved in a musical production to premiere in December. The musical is called "City of Angels" and weaves together two plots, the "real" world of a Hollywood writer trying to turn his book into a screenplay and the "reel" world of the fictional film.
Tonight there was a showcase at the Regina Theatre, with a glimpse of all the productions of the autumn. We performed a song called "You´re Nothing Without Me", where the writer (called Stine) and my character, the fictional private detective (Stone) duel by song. Despite my freshness in the role, I think we did a decent presentation. Fortunately, we have lots of rehearsals left... It is going to be fun.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

11 Second Club

The 11 Second Club is a monthly animation competition, where the goal is to animate a scene based on a given audio clip. The clip is usually an extract from a film, with dialogue and/or sound effects. This is my contribution to the August competition.
It was great fun to animate to the clip and I think the result deserves a little better than the placement it got (#91)! Almost more hard work than the animation was the rating of all the other entries (188 in total), with the inevitable ringing of the audio clip in your ears. But it was fun. I might do it again.
The character is a freeware rig by Jason Baskin.