Saturday, October 21, 2006

Home 2006

This friday Martin, Isabel and I visited the Home 2006 expo in Stockholm. We were invited by Lina, who was promoting the wood certification FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). We wandered around for a while among video games, television sets, beds, garage door openers and similar things. We also got to try out what it is like to present the weather forecast. Isabel borrowed a Samsung NV10, a pretty sexy piece of photographic equipment. I used my trusty Nikon. Here are some pics.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Isabel´s Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Isabel´s 25th birthday. The festivities were held at dad´s house in Stenhagen. Lots of friends and family joined and spent a lovely evening. The food was very good, all prepared by Isabel´s hand. Later at night, the younger crowd set out into the Uppsalian nightlife. Congratulations once again, Isa!

The senior members of the party and cousin Siri

Opening of presents